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An Update To My Business Coaching Services for Freelance Writers

June 27, 2024 0

If you’re here, it’s probably because you received my email about how my business coaching services have changed over the years. However, if you stumbled…

Instagram Has Basically Ruined My Life Just By Being Itself

May 24, 2024 0

I can’t. I can’t and I won’t. I can’t and I won’t use Instagram for business anymore. Last year, right around this time, I planned…

Here’s Why Getting Freelance Client Feedback Is So Difficult — And What To Pay Attention to Instead

May 23, 2024 0

A common freelancer conundrum is how to know if you’re doing a good job when getting client feedback is notoriously difficult. The “not getting feedback”…

24 Desk Essentials for a Home Office

March 12, 2024 0

I’ve worked from home as a full-time freelancer since 2009, and these are the desk essentials for a home office that I have in my…

What To Do About That Constant Fear of Losing Freelance Work

August 15, 2023 0

First of all, if you’re going through this, my heart goes out to you. These slumps can be awful. As nice as it can seem…

How to Fire a Client When You’re a Freelancer

March 4, 2023 2

Despite your best intentions, some client relationships are simply not for you. Or for them. Whether you thought you noticed red flags at the start…

Why a Kill Fee Clause is Important for Freelance Writers

February 23, 2023 0

There are a lot of guidelines you should have in place before moving forward with a freelance writing project — and most of them revolve around making…

Do Freelance Writers Need a Resume?

February 23, 2023 0

Submitting an outdated freelance writer resume is like telling a potential client that you don’t pay attention to detail. If you can’t prioritize your own…

Should You Contact an Ex-Client? The Magic 8 Ball Says “Outlook Not So Good”

January 19, 2023 0

Feast or famine is a common part of freelance writing. As your list of clients dwindles and the season slows down, your cash flow can…

Which Freelance Writers Do I Work With as a Business Coach?

January 18, 2023 0

Are we a match made in freelance writing heaven? Look, not everybody is meant to be, and that’s definitely true for the client-writer relationship. I’ve…

How I Help Freelance Writers Earn Money

January 18, 2023 0

There’s a lot of heady advice for beginners that falls into the “this is how to think and feel about your new career choice” realm….

When It Comes to Your Freelance Career, Are You a Little Lost?

January 18, 2023 0

There’s a lot of help out there for writers, especially beginners who don’t know how to get started. There are also promises for writers who…